It’s me,
I think you may have come to the conclusion I was sad because of some of the things I wrote in the past. You are right I was sad for a long time. I fell in love with someone and it ended. I think what made it so hard was that I had never been in love before not like that anyway and I was 38 at the time. It was the most powerful and painful experience I had ever endured. It was hard to cope with the loss and confusion and writing about it helped. I never got the chance to express to him how I truly felt even though I felt deep down he knew. Writing allows me to express all I wanted to say that I never did. I was able to express myself without having to explain myself if that makes sense. I haven’t written much even though I enjoy writing. I love to write because it’s the only reward that replenishes my soul and helps me to release the emotions that weigh me down. The only other thing that helps just as much is prayer. I would have written something sooner but these past few weeks I have been making some pretty big changes in my life and it has consumed my free time. I spend the rest of my time thinking about those changes and wondering what’s next. I am starting over at 40 and it is all new to me, so I am still getting used to it all. If you want to know more let me know and I will tell you some more.
Until next time me inquirer